Coach − Focus on YOU

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Coaching for leaders

As experienced managers you deserve a coach on a par

There are many situations in your professional and private life in which you would benefit from coaching. These range from a career change to support in reorganising your team or taking over a new team.

As managers with many years of experience in national and international companies, we can support you specifically in the context of leadership, team and also strategy.


As a coach, we support you in the process, which leads from the systemic analysis of the current situation to the development of goals and an action plan. We are happy to continue to accompany you in the implementation of the plan until the goals are achieved. The process responsibility lies with us, the decisions and the implementation are made by you.

If necessary, we can also switch from coaching to the consulting mode, where we give you clear and implementable recommendations, or to the training mode. Of course, everything is absolutely confidential and remains in the room.

There are many situations in which we can support you as a coach: intentional or unintentional professional reorientation, re-organisation within the company, as well as taking over a new team or a role as project leader. Coaching can also tackle the issue of work-life balance.

However, coaching does not only support in turbulent times. Leaders and managers with a long term view prepare themselves and their team for the future, especially in „good times“, and thus create the foundation for continued success.

There is a new career opportunity, you don’t know whether to accept the offer for the new job or you simply feel uncomfortable in the current situation.

With coaching, we help you to analyse the situation, identify the effects on both the environment and you, and thus create the foundation for your decision. We are also happy to accompany you in the implementation of your decision.

Finally you made it, you take a leadership role. You have been working towards this step for a long time, now you have made it and also want to lead the team.

Coaching can be specifically helpful for managers who have only been in leadership responsibility for a short time. We are happy to go the next step with you into consulting and leadership training so that you can celebrate success together with your team in the shortest possible time. Methods such as NMAP, which are specially designed for this situation, can be very supportiv. Additionally, we also offer in-house seminars for young leaders.

„New Manager Assimilation Programme (NAMP) is a team building activity. It serves to identify and address a team’s fears, assumptions and expectations regarding the new manager. The team members get to know the new manager better in a short time, and the manager knows the expectations of the team. The stress level on both sides decreases and a good and productive working relationship is quickly achieved.

You lead a decentralised sales team or you manage a team in different locations? Especially in such situations, there is a lack of regular exchange between managers and employees. NAMP can compensate for this deficiency and make the cooperation between managers and their direct reports more effective.

Your team „functions“ well, but still has room for improvement in your opinion OR you would like to raise the bar in your team OR the team meetings are no longer really effective OR an employee is acting out of character OR internal competition with colleagues is increasing OR you want to „sell“ your team’s performance better.

These are issues that we can address together with a combination of coaching and counselling. Here we use various instruments and methods, e.g. house of change. You want to prepare yourself and the team optimally for the future? Methods such as EMOP, which are specifically designed for this situation, help.

Experienced Manager Optimisation Programme (EMOP) can be a very effective format for „well-established“ teams. It is based on the concept of NMAP (New Manager Assimilation Programme) and has been specially adapted for experienced managers.

Over time, unspoken conflicts can build up between the team and the leader, based on misunderstandings and disappointed expectations, which could have an impact on the team’s performance.

The EMOP is an assessment of the current situation of the team and the manager. At the end of the EMOP, you as a manager know the current fears and challenges of the team and the issues that are currently influencing your team. With this knowledge you can adapt your leadership style if necessary and make decisions.